Preconditions and development trends of Russian-Chinese relations in tourism


  • Valentin S. Korneevets Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)
  • Anastasia O. Muzhaeva Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)



China, Russian Federation, tourism, inbound tourism, domestic tourism


The article is devoted to the study of the prerequisites for the development and current trends affecting Chinese inbound tourism and the analysis of the effectiveness of the state and the business community activity in increasing the tourist attractiveness of the industry and developing the measures to solve existing problems. It is necessary condition for deepening Russian-Chinese relations in this area. Russia's interest in building a long-term strategic partnership with China. Considering the fact that the Chinese Government pursues an active policy to support and develop not only domestic, but also outbound tourism, it is necessary to purposefully develop mutual tourist flows that will not only bring economic profit to tourism actors, but also reflect the degree of rapprochement between countries, which at this stage is the most important incentive in the state policy on to support the development of tourism. The removal of restrictive measures taken during the lockdown period of 2020–2022 allows us to think about the onset of a gradual resumption of positive dynamics of tourist flows. Analysis of the features of the regulatory regulation of visa and visa-free entry of Chinese tourists to Russia and Russian tourists to China are important for displaying, first of all, the current state and emerging trends in the field of Chinese inbound tourism to Russia. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the needs to soften regulations on inbound and outbound tourism of visa-free groups, which will contribute to the mobility of the tourist flow, with the possibility of expanding the geography of tourism in both Russia and China. The Kaliningrad region can be one of the regions for the development of tourism relations.


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Author Biographies

Valentin S. Korneevets , Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor

Anastasia O. Muzhaeva , Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)

Master's Student


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How to Cite

Korneevets В. С., & Muzhaeva А. О. (2023). Preconditions and development trends of Russian-Chinese relations in tourism. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 17(4), 8–15.

