The cultural and historical tourism development prospects in the Russian regions (the case of the Kaliningrad region)


  • Oksana V. Ivleva Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)
  • Elizaveta V. Shablyauskene Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)



tourism, cultural and historical tourism, tourist flows, balance, domestic tourism, Kaliningrad region


In recent years, the main development trends in the tourism industry are closely related to the popularization of cultural-informative and cultural-historical tourism. This type of tourism not only becomes a leader among others, but also acts as a guarantee of the preservation of the historical past of both entire regions and individual countries of the world. On the territory of the Russian Federation, cultural and historical tourism is one of the most popular, as evidenced by statistical data. In the course of the reorientation of tourist flows in the Russian Federation from foreign destinations to domestic ones, there is also a transformation of approaches to organizing recreation in the country. Domestic tourism is gaining momentum from year to year. As a result, interest in studying the history and culture of our country is growing, which means cultural and historical tourism will develop. The main task in such conditions is to expand opportunities for organizing new tourism programs. Not only the organization of excursions, but also modern approaches to organizing recreation in general are entering a new stage of development. One of these popular areas is an integrated approach, when destinations develop not only beach and health tourism, but also propose a broad educational program, that is, cultural and historical tourism. Work in this direction should be especially active in regions where all the necessary resources already exist, and their popularity among tourists is gaining momentum. Among these is the Kaliningrad region.


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Author Biographies

Oksana V. Ivleva , Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Elizaveta V. Shablyauskene, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)



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How to Cite

Ivleva О. В., & Shablyauskene Е. В. (2023). The cultural and historical tourism development prospects in the Russian regions (the case of the Kaliningrad region). Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 17(4), 62–71.