Digitalization in the regional tourism development: the experience of the Kaliningrad region


  • Andrey Yu. Bochkov Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)



regional tourism, digital tourism, Kaliningrad region, digital technologies, tourism resource management, digital infrastructure, virtual tours


The article explores the role of digitalization in developing regional tourism using the example of the Kaliningrad region. The article discusses the main aspects and advantages of introducing digital technologies into the tourism industry of the region. Specific projects and initiatives implemented in the Kaliningrad region are analyzed, such as the creation of digital platforms for tourists, the development of mobile applications and the use of virtual reality. The results of the study show that digitalization helps to improve the availability and quality of tourism services, increase the effectiveness of marketing strategies and attractiveness of the region for visitors. In conclusion, the article highlights the importance of further development of digital technologies in the tourism sector to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness of the regional tourism. Digitalization plays a key role in modern tourism development, and the Kaliningrad region successfully uses digital technologies to improve the tourist experience. The creation of digital platforms allows tourists to receive up-to-date information about attractions, routes and events in the region. Mobile apps make it easier to plan trips and provide personalized recommendations. The use of virtual reality allows tourists to immerse themselves in unique virtual worlds and preview the potential of their trip. All this helps to attract more tourists and increase their level of satisfaction. The development of digital technologies in tourism in the Kaliningrad region is an important factor for the sustainable growth and competitiveness of the regional tourism sector.


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Author Biography

Andrey Yu. Bochkov, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Bochkov А. Ю. (2023). Digitalization in the regional tourism development: the experience of the Kaliningrad region. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 17(4), 72–85.