Indexing and archiving

Journal Service and Tourism: Current Challenges is widely represented in various scientometrical bases and repositories - both local and foreign. It ensures a constant increase of citing publications of the journal (impact-factor) and citing index of its authors (Hirsch index). The Editorial Board intends to keep promoting the journal at various international platforms.

Перечень изданий ВАК РФ (Russia)   eLIBRARY.RU (Russia)   DOI - digital object identifier system (USA)  

   GOOGLE Scholar (USA)   CrossRef - metadata search (USA)   BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (Germany)

OCLC World Cat (USA)   OpenAire (EU)   BilgInDex (Tourism Journals)   Scholarsteer - Scholarty Information (USA)

eLIBRARY.RU (Russia)   КиберЛенинка - научная электронная библиотека открытого доступа (Russia)   ВИНИТИ РАН (Russia)   COPERNICUS (Poland)

Biblioteca CCG-IBT UNAM (Mexico)   MIAR (Spain)   Research Bible (Japan)   ЭБС ZNANIUM (Russia)

The European Library (EU)   ЭБС изд-ва 'Лань' (Russia)   ЭБС Руконт (Russia)   ЭБС Global F5 (Russia)

NAUKA.RU - портал научных журналов (Russia)   SciUp - Социальная платформа публикаций (Russia)   Calameo (France)   Zenodo (EU)



The journal and all article of the journal shall be assigned with DOI number or Digital object identifier - an international standard for designation of information on the Internet (ISO 26324:2012). It is the standard used by publishing electronic platforms and data bases of the world. DOI assignment is one more step towards including into reference bases Scopus and Web of Science. We used to use URL for this, however URL addresses are long and inconvenient, besides, they can change, thus there is a possibility to lose a required material. DOI number remains unchanged, and you can easily find the journal, article, or a book with it. It is the standard used by the publishers of the world. Besides, the world scientific society does not recognize electronic publication without DOI number, as an article is not stable enough on the Internet without it and can disappear that negatively affect the indexation of citation. DOI identifier assignment is the basis for a proper accounting of references and citations providing an opportunity of a stable access to the scientific data, verification and use of the scientific results. DOI is an integral attribute of the scientific communication system due to the effective provision of scientific information exchange processes.

You can use DOI number for search on International DOI Foundation (IDF) and CrossRef websites. You can also type, where N - DOI number of the publication in the search line of the browser. For example, for DOI 10.12737/11393 the request in the search line of the browser will be as follows: