Problems of forming competitive personnel for tourism and hospitality enterprises


  • Lyudmila V. Semenova Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)



human resources potential of the enterprise, tourism and hospitality, competitiveness of tourism and hospitality enterprises


Dynamically and sharply changing environment forces the enterprises to search the way to be successful through developing not only the material and technical base, but also their employees directly. Thus, enterprises form their competitive human resources potential. This is especially important for service spheres of economy, such as hotel business, restaurant service and tourism industry. This issue is relevant in the light of the latest trends in the labor market:  natural ageing of the population, reducing of work capacity due to COVID-19, insufficient earnings motivation for qualified specialists at service enterprises lead to the decline in the working-age population.   It is not uncommon for university graduates in entry-level positions to receive lower remuneration than unskilled workers employed, for example, in delivery and online services. The professional community of the hospitality sector (represented by the Council for Professional Qualifications in Hospitality) together with educational organizations at various levels (universities, colleges, vocational schools, etc.) has been searching of relevant and effective measures to match the requirements of the industry and the capabilities of educational organizations for the last ten years. The sectoral qualifications framework, which correlates the education levels and requirements for skills and labour functions, can become such an instrument of compliance.


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Author Biography

Lyudmila V. Semenova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Institute of Management and Territorial Development (Kaliningrad, Russia)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Semenova Л. В. (2023). Problems of forming competitive personnel for tourism and hospitality enterprises. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 17(4), 25–34.

